Wednesday, 1 April 2015

An interview with Benaxir Abba Omar

1. What is your full name?
my name is Benaxir Abba Omar
2. Tell us about yourself?
i am a writer,a novelist,a short story writer and a poet.born in a hausa/fulani family in 1994, studying microbiology in atbu bauchi.i think that is all i can say  for now,
3. what really inspired you to become a writer?
For me, there's so many things that inspire me. Different photos, sceneries, quotes, and life-
experiences make me just want to write and write. There's a lot of people that inspire me too though. My friends, family, and English teachers, are always inspiring me to continue my writing on a personal level. Some of my favourite authors inspire me on a fan-based level, whether it's from what they've directly said to me, what they've posted on their websites, or just their own life stories of how they became who they are today.
4. what were the challenges u faced and how do you get you narrations?
well, i faced some challenges like every writer does at the begining of his profession, i keep asking myself, How do I connect intelligently to get this book into the world? How do I
marshal what I know that much more quickly? How do I find and take on supporters? How do I influence the greatest number of people? How do I propel connectional intelligence beyond networking and entertainment and toward a loftier purpose–
improving other people’s lives, building sustainable societies,
creating the futures we want? You know  reading is being more and more old fashion of hobbies.but as time goes i came to realise all this burden is nothing as far as ill archieve what i want.
5. how many novels have u written so far?
i have written 11 but as for the short stories i can't say actually
6. how do you get to sale your novels?
when am done writing the scripts i give it out to my publisher, they will edit,publish and market it for me
7. what are your vision as in where do you see yourself in 5 years from now?
Am blushing. Five years from now insha Allah ill be like zainab alkali,or more than her i guess
8. Of all the books you have written so fat which is the best amongst them?
the best are two actually My unwanted pregnancy and Kalma daya
9. how do you manage to sale your books?
i am schooling so i dont sell them privately,my publisher is incharge of everything he only contact me when i need to,
10. can you tell us how long it takes you to write a book and how do you get the idea of what novel you want to write?
As for hausa novel  it takes me just a month to complete, while the english novel i have to sort out important words,my dictionary etc. So it takes me almost 8-9months And for my islamic and arabic  it takes me more than a year or two to complete because i have to get reference,qur'an ayat,hadiths and some islamic books etc.
11. what book are you working on now. Can you tell us what we should be expecting in this particular novel?
the next book am working on is  MEMOIRS OF BEING A  HAUSA GIRL, and in this book i am presenting  a story how the expectations held by a society defines the role of its members,whether good or bad,its a work which illuminates a path through which others can expand their conciousness and chart the course for a future of enlightment
12. what advice do you have for people that want or dream of becoming a writer just like you?
My advise  is  anyone who wants to be a writer should actually follow his dreams,Writing means sharing. It's part of the
human condition to want to share things thoughts, ideas, opinions., the best feeling you have is when you are writing, so you should all go for your dreams.

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