Thursday 30 July 2015

Disguise of imperialism as globalization

Disguise of imperialism as globalization

Ali Mazrui one of Africa's foremost intellectuals through his works across various disciplines have sparked some controversial as well as exhilarating debates in the academia, during the course of his purposeful life. One of such works is the taming of Western-Oriented imperialism disguised as globalization and he puts forwards five strategies to address the issue. They are;
. Indeginisation which to him means protection and preservation of indigenous culture, re tooling indigenous skills for use in modern context and making sure that indigenous human and natural resources are employed to optimized the interest of the local population.

. Domestification, the use of foreign institutions and technologies to suit the need of the local society, thus adoption of modernization without Westernization.

. Diversification here he argues that the globe possesses and array of production and cultural knowledge and non-western societies should consider all these centers and learn from them instead of privileging the West.

. Horizontal Interpretation amongst non western societies via partnership with countries at approximately the same level. To avoid exploitation of weaker states by stronger ones, this shouldn't in any way discourage partnership with more powerful states, but it points out the high tendencies of exploitation in such partnerships.

. Counter Penetration, lastly clamped for the reversal of leverage and influence from western societies. Owning to the fact the western societies have penetrated no western ones through colonialism and neo-colonialism, he argues for reversal of the favor and only then globalization can be truly attained.

Yahaya Yakubu

Wednesday 22 July 2015

Arewa youths and drug abuse craze Yahaya Yakubu @yahayaayakubu & Fatima Allahnanan @kraziestkandy

Arewa youths and drug abuse craze

This is a very old trend and it is still enjoying stardom like pop culture. Drug abuse is a stigma that the government and other health organizations need to device policies and strategies aimed at it curbing the ever growing trend or menace. 
A lot is been said about drug abuse, and so far it has continue to grow, thus, either more needs to be done or nothing is been done to curb it.

Been a worldwide phenomena with countries such as United State, Iran, Mexico amongst others, WHO and other organizations concerned with drug abuse are trying to end this escalating trend, even though more needs to be done.

The focus on arewa is nothing but mere awareness. It is sad but the truth remains drug abuse is rampant in the northern parts of Nigeria as compared to others.

Even though this is base on an upsetting 2008 statistics by NDLEA, we have to be sincere to agree that it is spreading and fast at that.

Reasons for the abuse of drugs by ill-informed youths ranges from but not necessarily limited to; depression, peer pressure, accessibility, availability, affordability, the parties involved ranges from drug administrators to pharmacists, processes ranges from smugglers and their endless sources if one May say. Though research as to why drug is abused have showed different reasons across time and space the above listed can be said to be peculiar to the youth of the northern hemisphere of Nigeria, popularly called Arewa Youths. 

Curbing drug abuse is not an easy job, considering the clandestine nature of the drug industries and big names involved in manufacturing these drugs and the original purposes(s) for which such drugs were fabricated, as most them consumed in the northern part can be classified under sedatives and anti-depressant and when abused causes nausea and drowsiness, there's little the government can do as a ban on such drugs is detrimental to those who need them under supervision or prescription of a health practitioner.

Thus, there's need for awareness the dangers of drug abuse posses, sensitization programmes both publicly and privately funded need be carried out in high school amongst other tertiary institutions not just in the north but across the country to educate the youth on the imminent dangers of drugs and the right to say NO when offered.

Lastly, a derailed youth means a bleak future, Arewa youths needs to abandon the trend of abusing drugs for what ever reason and allocate thier time and resources the further acquiring knowledge or dedicating such monies used to purchased drugs to a charitable cause, as over a period of five years a typical drug user whom spends an average 5000 a week can educate a two kids through high school. Long live Arewa, long live Nigeria

Yahaya Yakubu
& Fatima Allahnanan 

Monday 13 July 2015

Speech of Sir Ahmadu Bello on religious and cultural differences .

“Here in the Northern Nigeria we have People of Many different races, tribes and religious who are knit together to common history, common interest and common ideas, the things that unite us are stronger than the things that divide us. I always remind people of our firmly rooted policy of religious tolerance. We have no intention of favouring one religion at the expense of another. Subject to the overriding need to preserve law and order, it is our determination that everyone should have absolute liberty to practice his belief according to the dictates of his conscience…”  - Sir Ahmadu Bello

“I am not unaware that I have often been a controversial figure" words of Sir Ahmadu Bello.

“I am not unaware that I have often been a controversial figure. I have been accused of lack of nationalism and political awareness because I considered that independence must wait until a country has the resources to support and make a success of independence. I have been accused of conservatism because I believe in retaining all that is good in our old traditions and customs and refusing to copy all aspects of other alien civilizations have been accused of many things, but the views of others have never made me deviate from the path which I am certain is the one which will benefit my people and country. I have always based my actions on my inward convictions, on my conscience and on the dictates of my religion” – Sir Ahmadu Bello

“I am not unaware that I have often been a controversial figure" words of Sir Ahmadu Bello 

Diversity of Architecture by @Mr_Sulebabs

The diversity of "Architecture"

In recent years, architecture stands to be one the most important factors of our environment. Countires/cities around the world tend to be competing of having the most iconic and aesthetic designs that will stand out among the rest to represent thier identity. Example, Burj Al arab and Al kalifa of UAE, the status of Liberty of unites states, eiffel tower paris, opera house Australia, many more to mention.

The field of architecture is structured in such a way that it keeps the status white, economically privileged states firmly in place. Culture indeed has also played an important role, The diversity in architecture isn’t a simple problem, but there are better and worse ways to approach the issue. Frequent complaint that the architecture field lacks gender and racial diversity is backed up by statistics. As of 2011, just 15 percent of licensed architects were women, and just one percen were black. 
What’s missing? 
There are a number of women architects who are currently at the top of the profession. Zaha is the name that everyone knows, but there are others, such as Jeanne Gang, Elizabeth Diller, and Annabelle Selldorf, Berke says. “I myself am doing well. For these people, I would say, the issue of being a woman has less importance now than when they started out. But the broader problem is not about the exceptions,” she says. “It’s about the general absence of women and minorities in the field, whether it’s in design or related construction and engineering industries.”

Seek diversity. 
“I don’t want to reduce male architects to a stereotype either,” Berke says. “It’s a broader problem than that.” Architects must address a number of issues facing the entire profession, such as reducing student debt, she says, because that discourages lower-income students from entering the field. At the same time, students should see at a young age that the world of architecture is a viable profession for women and minorities. And within the field, architects need to increase awareness among the suits at the table using “constant gentle pressure” to push others to be more patient, more open-minded, and more inclusive. “Because in the long haul, everyone benefits from being aware that change is necessary and essential to have morediversity in the field,” Berke says.

Stay strong. 
Just as there is not one reason for the disparity in architecture, there is not one solution to the problem. You must have endurance, diligence, and fortitude. But know that things are changing. “Ultimately, being an architect for me is so profoundly satisfying and fulfilling that it has been well worth the trudge,” Berke says. “I would like to convince other women and anyone from different races and religious and ethnic backgrounds that this could be true for them as well. I want them to say, ‘Oh my God, I can make a living from doing this job.’ ”


Friday 10 July 2015

Nkechi Azinge was one the only Nigerian lady who was awarded by the Queen of England....

Nkechi Azinge was one the only Nigerian lady who was awarded by the Queen of England for her commitment to community development; and for founding and overseeing the Sickle Cell Aid Foundation.  She was also privileged to have a breakfast meeting with the United Kingdom Prime Minister, David Cameron. This Nkechi has done in combination with her University education and work life. (She is currently a PhD candidate and Research Assistant at the University of Warwick, England). This is no doubt commendable.

We believe that Nkechi is truly deserving of this award due to the sacrifices she makes to ensure that there is massive awareness on Sickle Cell Disorder and the efforts to ensure that the less privileged have access to quality healthcare. We have attached our newsletter for your perusal.

As we request this honour from you to enable us raise further awareness, we also use this opportunity to thank you as we recognise your role in advancing our cause.

The SCAF Team

Thursday 9 July 2015

Why we should crawl, walk and run . Buhari will help change Nigeria by Yahaya and Fatima.

With the rate at which change is chanted like the air we breath,  it is okay to conclude that Nigerians are eager to see positivity.  While others are keeping an eye to see the slightest mistake and happy about the impatience attitude of some Nigerians, patience is still needed. 

Considerably,  we should take a look at adaptation and tolerance. It takes a while for humans and animals to adapt and tolerate to some changes in their environment.  Even though some one once said Nigerians are a different breed to the human race. 

It has just been months that our president elect resumed office and  he has been doing very well in the sense of travelling and trying to see to the settlement of insurgency in the country. It is disturbing that he has not been communicating with Nigerians and answering questions varying from the removal of check points to the reason against negotiating with the insurgents and the long awaiting ministerial list. 

We shouldn't be quick to conclude that the man we voted into power isn't the same man.  We shouldn't conclude that he, who we voted into power is slow and we shouldn't believe he will betray us. 

A lot of prominent and distinguish leaders have accessed his credibility and ability. They have nothing but excellent remarks on his personality.  

We shouldn't start to loose hope on his governance. It is too early to do that.  The expectations are high because we believe he can do all we want as to the progress of the country.

We believe in his vision and mission and we aren't afraid because we know deep down that he wishes goodness for Nigeria. His silence shouldn't be mistaken.  
Let us conclude all these silence... He is working on a master plan.  Remember your enemies need not know your plans. He isn't sleeping or sipping on some 'shayi'. He isn't heartless not to know about our worries and isn't blind not to see the blood like paint. He is listening with pity. He is under pressure and not complaining. He is still the saviour we voted. 

Let us keep praying. The action we need will soon be in motion. Victory will soon be ours. 

Let us learn to crawl, walk and run. It is a process. 

Fatima Allahnanan 
Yahaya Yakubu

Saturday 4 July 2015



Sex education in Nigeria is a backward movement. This can be blamed on cultural bodies that forbid the utterance of the word 'sex'. A country with diverse cultures, values and norms, it is bitterly sad to see the everyday tabloids having one sex scandal or the other. These sex scandals come in different forms majorly affecting the youths and minorities who are deprived of their rights. Who are made to shrink themselves and raised believing that been outspoken is disrespectful and a disgrace.

They youths are suffering in silence. Out educational system plays minor role in education youths about sex. To an extent, it can be said that the only rightful place you learn about sex is at the secondary level and this can be traced to the subject 'biology'. Under this subject, we gradually get informed about reproduction as a topic. It is a topic or rather a subject that requires fierce teachers, who open to exploration with their students.

How many of youths in Nigeria are privileged to be educated to secondary level? Not many have this necessity which is more like a luxury. Even though we have rural areas that are striving so hard to keep up with the pace of learning, not much is been taught to them. A number of them have no idea about their rights. They have more knowledge about their cultural rights which are more of deprived rights in regards to the youths.

Cultural rights is a cancer to the youths.It is even more cancerous to the females because they are seen as mere degraded beings. They have no freedom of their own. No movement, no voice and say.

The impact of culture in regards to sex educationally wise can be said to have favoured a certain gender more than the other gender. Obviously, the females are the unfavourable gender who although culture has helped in shaping them into poised ladies but also been a detrimental element to them emotionally.

As youths, we are looked at as been untouchable by the adults who partake in abusing us sexually. Because culture regard sexual utterances as taboos, we are made to suffer and grieve silently. Reporting such case to a guardian worsens the matter. You end up regretting why you mentioned it at first.

This has made culture to be classified as a backward movement to sex education in Nigeria. It has failed in paving way for enlightment on the youths who are in the process of transitioning to parent, adults,leaders etc. It only sees the youths as forever young beings who maybe to their own understanding will never get to adulthood.

Sexual abuse is not encouraged by culture but it only paved way for its voice not to be heard with the laws of the law which doesn't encourage such act and which can be said is a tantamount action with negative background.
As kids, we questioned our births. The more we asked, the more ranges of answers are told to us. Some of us cease asking which automatically means our parents succeeded in shutting us up at that period while some persistently ask out of curiosity. They end up with varieties. It is left for them to select the best one to suit them at that period.

The private parts are conned in a manner sensed to promote modesty and guard the tongues of the kids by parents. The names sound funny depending. And then comes peers. The interaction with peers one day leads to the curiosity of body parts. Each one saying what his/her parents told them. Each of them with more knowledge about sex organs than the other.

Luckily enough, there is that one person who knows more and ready to spill it out. We sit and listen to every detail, we ask questions with no shame but courage and eagerness of the unknown.

Some go home ready to tell their parents about what they learnt from their peer. Some shut their mouths, pretending like they know nothing about sex organs. Their parents applaud them, labelling them innocent and encouraging that path while the open mouthed ones are beaten or scolded and even told to stay away from that peer that informed them because he/she has a negative influence to their growth. A bad egg.

This can be true to an extent but if you never wanted your kid to find out that way, why not tell/inform your kid in the way you see more appropriate?

The pretense continues. The curiosity and fire burning in us to know the answer to the unknown blazes more and we go in search of more answers. Legally or illegally. By crooks and nooks.

Some stumple upon good materials/information while some end up with wrong ones. This affects them as they grow older and plays an impact to their behavioural and emotional feelings. This paves way for pornograpghy, coming in contact with corrupt books, movies and learning all sexual acts portrayed in pop culture.

While some guard this knowledge, others misuse it. They take pride in knowing about forbidden sex organs. They feel superior than their other peers who know nothing or something or more than them but concealing it to avoid the negative tag it comes with.

And as kids, we love adventures/experiences. Some, as young as that age want to explore. They get deep and deeper. The more innocence we perceive them with, the more they linger to know more in elderly discussions. They listen to how fusion between males and females come together to form foetus.

They learn their existence within their environment with the help of their peers directly or indirectly. The cycle continues.
The teachers at the primary level after all are only to mention major body parts. We sing to them joyously. Head, shoulders, knees, toes, eyes, nose etc. It is so because we haven't reached puberty. Most of us have no interest in that aspect. Our priority then was to play on the playground or anxious wait for break time to eat.

At the secondary level, there is need for sex education. It doesn't matter the class but an early prevention is better than cure. Sex education is to be discussed stage by stage. It should be an open topic with freedom to ask andbe answered correctly. An interactive session free from judgement of an individual.

Questions should be asked anonymously. Privacy should be respected. No one would like to be pointed at as a victim to a pain.

Sex education should be taught to both girls and boys at same environment. They shouldn't be segmented into genders. Both genders are to have knowledge on both sexes. It will help to promote understanding and clear misconceptions and even enlightenment.

Lately, compared to before, there has been an improvement in sex education but this can be credited to some individual's interest to enlighten the youths due to some of them having passed that phase in their life.

But it should not only be a kind of volunteer enlighment. It should be a part of secondary school curriculum. It should be compulsory because it will help in shaping the society, behaviour wise or/and emotionally. It will be a long tern sanity program which will reduce the cases of abuse in our society.

Not only will sex education be discusses but also the rights of the Nigerian youths. Sex education will then not be really necessary at the tertiary institution because it has been tackled at the right time and place.

Helplines as regards to issues of rape, health and abuses should be provided rightly. It will help in saving lives and punishing grievous crimes committed before it gets late.

Sex education at this stage is the best because a lot us are going through puberty and full of questions to our body's changes. It is a very hard phase in our life that needs utmost attention and answer to. Helping the youths discover their mysteries at this favourable stage prevents some issues affecting society regarding sex.

This is a long term goal which will prevent and help in creating awareness to sexually transmitted diseases which is a case study in most societies to ways of preventing  teenage pregnancies, what to do and how to go about it and tackling of sexual abuses in the society.

Curbing it at an early stage can be sensed to be of help morally at tertiary institutions. At the tertiary level, if all right measures are taken to educate the youths on sex education, drastic improvement will be seen on the part of the youths participation and fight against immorality.

This leads us furthermore to government's support and participation. The government of Nigeria so far can be said to have neglected the youths. Forgetting we make up a huge population of Nigeria, we are not involved in government. This is a problem that needs to be tackled. There is lack of government's participation.

Government should make sex education a compulsory subject in primary and secondary institutions. Doing this gives room for orientation to the youths and moreover it is their right to have education, sex education is also their right. Although, primary institution sex orientation should be more on sexual abuse because it affects a great number of kids in this institution.

Kids at the primary level are affected by sexual abuse by people they trust and know. Strangers make up the list but not as much as the former. They should be taught to report any advance to their private parts. This will make them to be outspoken and prevent emotional trauma.

The government should support the youths in bringing back morality to the society it rules. They can help in alerting the public, concentrating on the youths on sex education. They can finance programmes because it won't be a wasteful effort. Government should join hands with the youths and listen to their cries.

The law can be made active too by government's aid. Any person with case of sexual abuse should be heard and the case judged justly. The guilty party must be made to face to law, in this way, others would take to correction.

Our parents, family and/or guardians are of major concern in the fight to enlighten the youths about sex education. They end up neglecting this role, making it seem like a major responsibility of our educational sector. They have to know that sex education is their part and it should be taught in the way best known to be understood Bu each and everyone's child.

Allowing peers discuss sex education with their fellow peers might lead wrong information. It will affect them especially at that early stage and some grow with such misconceptions

Pregnant teenagers shouldn't be neglected, rather, they should be supported because at that period, thatvis the only form of help they need. They shouldn't be looked down on and be made to go through emotional trauma which might lead to depression, suicide etc. 
Although there has been feedbacks as to parents teaching sex education. Teenagers at a certain period feel they know more than their parents. They disassociate themselves from their parents and feel the urge to fill up that space with whosoever the stumple on. It is important for parents to dialogue with their kids about sex at a very tender age before they go through that hormonal stage in their life.

The reality of the matter is that youths are engaging in sexual activities. It is sad but true to fight for the need to oriented the youths on sex. The world is selling sex. In the movies, music, games, cartoons, toys etc. Sex is selling rampantly.

The misconception parents have about sex education is that sex education is encouraging and selling sex. It is best to believe that sex education is more on orientation. Education is key.

Parents have to be sincere to also reflect back to the stage they started thinking about sex. This will make it easier for them, schools and the government to know the appropriate age to educate youths about sex.

The youths have to know what would happen when they take part in sex. No parent wants to pay for ignorance especially with sex related matters.

Abstinence programs as well as comprehensive programmes play key roles. Abstinence program which can be said to be the only effective and surest way of not getting pregnant and not having sexually transmitted diseases.

Comprehensive programmes which is sadly but the most truthful platform that explains sex in detail. It ssee doesn't encourage sex but sees the need to inform youths about the benefit of sex, how to make decision pertaining premarital sex, birth control pills and their side effects, sexually transmitted diseases and preventive measures and abortion.

An abstinence-only program typically teaches abstaining from sex, negative outlook on sex outside marriage, may not necessrily discuss condoms, birth control pills. It may even omit abortion and sexual orientation but rather focus on achievement of goals before sex.

Morally, abstinence programme can be said to be favourable but truth be told, with the era of pop culture influence and sale of sex especially in the media, there is need to assume that our kids even if innocent to be taught with focus on comprehensive sex education programme.

There can also be a blend of the two to achieve balanced goals. It is then left to the youth of our society to choose what's right and what's wrong.

There has not been any law on sex education in Nigeria but there is need for one to bring about sanity in the society.

These laws will help in even creating health care centres as well as serve as advisory body to the youths. They will implement compulsory sex education when the government looks into it and make sure it is well planned.

It will also help in eradicating misconceptions, focus on sexual orientation because knowledge is power.

Sex education has not been fully tackled but we have to look at it in relation to the new trend. The trend of LGBT.

Nigeria rejected the act of LGBT. Doesn't it make sense that educating our youths on sex education will help the youths be informed that homosexuality and other categories of LGBT is not an acceptable lifestyle to the general public and therefore punishable under the law.

Also will they be informed that LGBT has more health hazards and no safe method in engaging in such act.

This brings about the talk on gender identity. It is important that youths understand anatomy and structures in the most comprehensive manner in order to clear bluring images of gender identity.

In a world, where LGBT is fast becoming acceptable in various places, there is need to take preventive measures and accurately informed discussions to see to its failure to poison the minds of the youths.

It can be seen that sex education is a wide topic and needs attention in Nigeria especially to its youths. It is a short journey with obstacles. We can achieve a sane society curbing this epidemic. It begins with you and I. 

Written By Yahya Yakubu and Fatima Muhammad 

Thursday 2 July 2015

Man Leaves wife After enduring horrible meals for 5 years.

There had been speculations about reasons Adams left his wife, Ashley, before Adams finally decided to open up. People blamed their failed marriage on so many factors such as infidelity and fertility issues, but little did they know that Ashley could not make a decent meal to save her own life, even if her life depended on it! 

Adams, at the family meeting organized to look into the possibility of reconciling both parties, revealed that his wife could only boil white rice and make her “special sauce”. 

This so-called sauce was always either tasteless or over seasoned. He had made several attempts to teach her how to cook, but all were futile, as she was adamant. Adams decided, by the fifth year, to end his misery by leaving her! 

Yes! Adams left her in the care of Chef Stone at the best culinary school in Nigeria -Red Dish Chronicles Culinary School… Fast-forward to three months after she enrolled for the Professional Chefs Course, Adams and Ashley got back together!

Is your case similar to that of Ashley? Are you Ashley’s relative? Her friend? Her colleague? Her neighbour? Are you in between jobs? Are you bored during the weekends? Are you unemployed? Are you looking to try something different?

Save someone’s relationship/marriage/career/life today! Enroll for any culinary course at RDC in Gbagada,Lagos and also RDC annex that JUST OPENED IN CENTRAL AREA, ABUJA!!

Registration for Abuja residents starts TODAY, July 1, 2015; the session for Lagos residents is still on.

They are located opp NNPC Towers in Central Area. Classes start on the 27th of July officially but we are taking registrations now.

We have 5 courses available.

1. Professional Chefs Culinary Arts Diploma - Cuisine : N320,000 - 3 months Course (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays) - 12noon - 4pm

2. Professional Chefs Culinary Arts Diploma - Cuisine + French Pastry & Baking : N450,000 - 3 months intensive (Mondays - Fridays) - 12 noon - 4pm

3. French Pastry & Baking Culinary Arts Diploma: N200,000 - 6 weeks (Mondays and Wednesdays) - 12noon -4pm

4. Continental Culinary Arts Diploma - N160,000 - 6 weeks (Tuesdays and Thursdays) or 12 weeks (Saturdays only) - 12noon - 4pm

5. African Culinary Arts Diploma - N 65,000 - 6 weeks - Fridays (12noon - 4pm), Wednesdays ( 5pm - 8pm)

There is also a Registration Fee of N10,000. 70% of Tuition fees must be payed to secure a space at the School.

Culled from Lib